What to Expect During V.I.P. Week!

Springtime turns us all into busy bees! With the school year ending, and all your kids’ activities wrapping up, we know that our dance parents’ calendars are starting to fill. But we’ve got one more thing for you to pencil in: V.I.P. Week at Dance Unlimited! We know we are a little biased, but even for the busiest of bees, this event is well worth the buzz.

So what is V.I.P. Week? Well here at Dance Unlimited, V.I.P. stands for Very Important Parents! We love our dance families which is why we dedicate an entire week to appreciating YOU! It’s our chance to let you know how much we’d love to have you back in the Fall for another great year of dance.

V.I.P. Week 2022 will happen from May 9th – 13th. It’s going to be filled with fun perks, but also tons of convenient benefits for our current dance families. Here’s what you can expect!

What Current Families Can Expect During V.I.P. Week:

  • Gifts for dance parents! Stop into the lobby and pick up your gift!
  • Raffles every night. We’ve got some awesome raffle prizes coming your way.
  • Sweets and treats at the front desk. Stop by for a little trea just for YOU!
  • A personalized recommendation form. Filled out by your child’s teacher, we’ll let you know which classes are perfect for your child for the upcoming dance year. 
  • Early Access to the 2022/23 Dance Schedule. Before we open it up to the public, our current dance parents are first to see our class line-up during this special week. 
  • Automatic registration for the 2022/23 Dance Year. We keep it easy and convenient for our busy parents!  
  • Registration Deals! When we re-enroll your child during V.I.P Week, you’ll get a discounted registration rate AND current parents can even register siblings at that same rate. And don’t worry, your first tuition payment is not due until September. 
  • A Tuition Refresher. During V.I.P. Week, we’ll remind you of what’s included in our All-Inclusive tuition so you know exactly what you’re paying for! Check out our past blog post for more info!

The best part of V.I.P Week is that you get to enjoy all of these perks without lifting a finger! This week is all about making our dance parents’ lives easier by taking the stress of Fall enrollment off your plate. We do the legwork for you by finding your child’s class and getting their registration taken care of. No more mad dash in August to get your children into their favorite classes before they fill!

If you won’t be joining us next year, no problem! Just let us know at the front desk during VIP WEEK and we’ll put a pause on your Fall registration. Convenience and ease are our goal, so we’re happy to help out with all your registration requests! 

We can’t wait to kick off the festivities on May 9th! Will we see you at the studio?! Mark those calendars and get excited for another fantastic year of dance!